So, what is numerology exactly?
Numerology is the study of the meaning behind numbers. It is based on the belief that numbers have a connection to human life (events, thoughts and behaviour), hence can be used to predict future and past.
The root of numerology is the belief that numbers are a kind of language – they convey information about you and your experiences in life through their vibrations or energy patterns. This means that when you look at your name or birthdate, you’re actually looking at an expression of energy that has been imprinted into everything around your from your earliest memories up until now!
Let’s take closer look of the history of numerology and use of numbers.
History of Numerology
Numerology is an ancient science that has been around for thousands of years. It was used in ancient Greece and India, and throughout the Europe in the Middle Ages.
Let’s take closer look of the history of numerology and use of numbers.
Number 7 use 38,000BC – 8000BC
The Earliest Signs of numerology use become visible from the painting of the Upper Palaeolithic period dating back to 38,000 BC.
These drawings consist of several parallel lines and seven dots which appear to have the religious mean of the sacredness of the number seven.
Pythagoras 567-470 B.C.
Nevertheless, the starting point can be counted by Pythagoras who is known as the Father of Western Greeks. He was mathematician and philosopher dating back to 5t century BC.In this image Pythagoras is shown to write a book while young guy brings him a drawing tablet illustrating a string instrument, lyre above tetractys of the decad.
Pythagoras taught his students that numbers had inherent power; he also believed that each number had its own personality traits and characteristics–something we now call numerology!
He believed that numbers were not just symbols but living things with their own consciousnesses (rather like us!). He taught his followers how to communicate with these entities through gematria (a form of numerology).
He believed that everything from person bodies to all properties has arranged by numerical and symmetrical connections and that our universe has ruled by numbers and harmonies.
Many other early philosophers and mathematicians he influenced believed that too:
- Plato.
- Aristotle
- and many Hebrew scholars
They all believed that everything in the world had numerical connections.
Plato 427 – 347 BC
Plato Influencing Numerology and the Perception of Numbers is clear.
Plato’s work in mathematics, particularly in his dialogue “Timaeus,” laid the groundwork for connecting numbers to the fundamental structure of the universe. In the “Timaeus,” he proposed a concept known as the “Platonic solids,” which are five unique geometric shapes (tetrahedron, hexahedron, octahedron, dodecahedron, and icosahedron) that he associated with the elements of earth, fire, air, water, and aether. These shapes became symbolic representations of cosmic elements, and their numerical properties were believed to hold deep significance.
Plato’s ideas about the fundamental nature of reality and the relationship between numbers and the cosmos had a profound impact on numerology. Numerologists drew inspiration from Plato’s teachings, incorporating his theories into their own practices. The notion that numbers possessed inherent meanings and could be used to understand the underlying structure of existence gained traction.
Aristotle 384 – 322 BC
The teacher of Alexander the great and being the most outstanding student of Plato’s, Aristotle believed that number didn’t exists in physical mind but instead in the universal mind. Explaining that numbers could be used to describe the physical bodies interactions.
Philo of Alexandria
20 BCE – 50 CE
In the 4th century Philo who was Jewish Pythogorean numerology developer and was known to be engaged in Pythagorean-inspired numerology concerning numbers meanings In the religions. For example, he analysed number in bible and believed that Number one is Gods Number and it is basis for all other numbers
St. Augustine of Hippo portrait by Phillipe De Champaigne
He provided that God was the one who was behind creating all numbers, of which the most divine number was 7 and 10 as the most perfect.
Numbers in Bible
For example, number 7 is used 119 times and that God completed the world in the 7 days. Strong use of 3: Trinity of God – The Father, The Son (Jesus Christ) and The Holy Spirit, that has deep spiritual meanings from the bible. A well as that there is 10 commandment by God that must be obeyed.
St. Augustine Of Hippo
A. D 354 – 430
Further analysis of numbers can be seen by St. Augustine of Hippo, in his writing “Numbers are the Universal language offered by the deity to humans as confirmation of the truth”
Alber Einstein
“Everything is determined, the beginning as well as the end, by forces over which we have no control. It is determined for the insect, as well as for the star. Human beings, vegetables, or cosmic dust, we all dance to a mysterious tune, intoned in the distance by an invisible piper.”
He’s quote explains that in principle it is possible to predict the behaviour of a person and this can be done using certain knowledge in our case using numbers association (more on this later)
He believed that through pre-established harmony such as Pythagoras believed (where mind and body interact casually due to pre-programming that happened in advance of birth) it is possible to calculate persons spiritual and material future causations.
Mathematics and numbers were even used by
• Galileo,
• Newton,
• Descartes,
• Huygens,
• and even Kepler to justify inherent sequence of the universe that was reflected by advanced physical laws.
By now we know numerology as know today has many predecessors
But who founded numerology as a word?
The word “numerology” was described first time in the early 20th century in the book: Numerology – The power in number by Ruth. A Drayer’s book. By saying that Mrs L. Dow Balliett’s student Juno Jordon developed the numerology as the system that we all know by Pythagorean.
Many more numerologists have helped to form the numerology and have given birth to various methods of using numerology readings.
How does numerology work?
If you’re into numerology, you may or may not have heard of the law of vibration. Either way let me explain you, that this law states that everything in our universe has its own vibrational frequency and this includes numbers! And numerology is based on this idea: each set of letter has its own number and by combining those letters with their corresponding numbers, we can uncover your name vibrational frequency and secret meanings it holds.
Different Methods Of Numerological Readings
- Alphabetic systems
- Latin Alphabet Systems – Includes Pythagorean, Hebraic, Japanese, Indian, Chaldean, Helyn Hitchcock’s method, Arabic and Phonetic
- Pythagorean system.
In this site we’re going to explore the latter system by Pythagoras which is most common in western world.
Interestingly, he firstly found a numerical and musical relationship between each other. Numerical connections with body and soul was not founded until his further research indicated a numerical relationship between a person’s given name and their date of birth.
This shows outer personality attributes that others perceive and feel being around you.
Pythagorean system
Let’s dive into the Pythagorean system which indicated that every letter has a numerical association in the Latin Alphabet as follows:
- A, J, S = 1
- B, K, T = 2
- C, L, U = 3
- D, M ,V = 4
- E, N, W = 5
- F, O, X = 6
- G, P, Y = 7
- H, Q, Z = 8
- I, R = 9
Now you have to assign each letter of your full birth name with the associated letter.
Let’s take an example from Pythagoras himself: Pythagoras of Samos
- 7+7+2+8+1+7+6+9+1+1
- = 49
- 6+ 6
- = 12
- 1+1+4+6+1
- =13
So, Pythagoras of Samos
- +49+12+13
- =74
- =7+4 (add numbers together to get single digit)
- =11
In Pythagorean system, there are master numbers of 11, 22, 33 that you don’t calculate together into a single number.
So, Pythagoras name number was 11
What if you change your name?
You will get assigned a new number for your name. It is based on your new destiny and personality changes it will bring into your life.
Now we know the outer personality meaning.
Next, let’s calculate the birth number
It represents personal talents and traits, showing your inner personality meaning and life purpose.
To find out your birth number, you will need to calculate together your birthday numbers as follows:
For Example, Albert Einstein Birthday was on March 14, 1879
- = 3+1+4+1+8+7+9
- =33
Remember: there are master numbers of 11, 22, 33 that you don’t calculate together into a single number!
From a numerical point of view, it is Not surprised that Einstein and Pythagorean were intelligent individuals. Their birthday and name numbers include a master number of 33 and 11 respectively.
Read about the meaning of each master number by clicking on them.
Would you like to know your name and birthday number?
Find out from a free numerical reading here
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